Bassetts Farm Primary School

A love of learning for life

St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4GB

01395 275968


At Bassetts Farm, we take our role in safeguarding very seriously as we believe all children have the right to feel and be safe.

  • Our Senior Designated Officer is Mrs Sarah Bennett
  • Our Deputy Designated Officers are Ms Sarah Downs, Mrs Chris Clarkson, Mrs Anneli Davies and Mr Sanderson.
  • Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr Shane Robertson

If you have any concerns about your child or a child within the school, please do contact us.

Alternatively, if it is at a weekend or during school holidays, you can contact the MASH safeguarding team directly on 0345 155 1071

Sources of Support or Help

The Devon Safeguarding Children Board has a wealth of information.

Safeguarding Policy


Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a police and school early intervention safeguarding information sharing partnership which supports children experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Online Safety Support

Each month, we send out an E Safety Newsletter. Past copies can be found here

Useful websites and sources of support can be found here.


The NSPCC have produced this very handy set of information as a guide to parents and for children.

PANTS leaflet

PANTS poster


 The Parent Info site addresses many issues, with articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing on-line. Items include cyber bullying, body confidence and mental health.

Wellbeing Support

Within school, we can offer support through parent meetings, TAF or through signposting you to other agencies. A range of website support for wellbeing can be accessed here.