Bassetts Farm Primary School

A love of learning for life

St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4GB

01395 275968

‘A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.’ Department of Education, National Curriculum.

At Bassetts Farm, we aim to give children the skills they need to master technology and thrive in a modern world. Children are introduced to a wide range of technology including laptops, iPads and interactive whiteboards, allowing them to continually practise and improve their knowledge and skills. We also understand the accessibility opportunities technology can provide. The school’s skills and knowledge rich curriculum is balanced with the opportunity for children to apply their knowledge creatively, which will in turn help them become skilful computer scientists.

We will achieve this in computing through:

  • Offering a broad, enriching and ambitious computing curriculum that is adapted so that all children have access to the National Curriculum.
  • Explaining online responsibilities to ensure children are educated on how to stay safe online.
  • Providing all children with opportunities to develop their understanding of technology and how to utilise it in a variety of different, creative and cross-curricular ways.
  • Developing key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. The objectives within each strand support the development of learning across the key stages, ensuring a solid grounding for future learning and beyond.
  • Addressing social disadvantages through providing all children with opportunities to access coding clubs, STEM events and a variety of technologies.
  • Introducing the skills and knowledge required to take advantages of career opportunities later in life.
  • Giving all of our children the computational knowledge, experiences and ‘cultural capital’ necessary to become educated citizens and to succeed in life.
  • High quality teaching of key computing knowledge and skills from across the computing National Curriculum ensures all children achieve a good standard and strive to excel.

Gallery for Computing Learning

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